Nearly 9 months since I last posted... BAH! BAH I SAY! I'm just no good at this blogging thing. Perhaps it's because I haven't been very crafty in the past 9 months, except for making up things for the wedding. I suppose that is a big exception, however ;P
What a 9 months it has been, though. Put together a wedding, got married, and now pregnant with our first child! It's too early to know if it is a boy or girl, but we'll be finding out ASAP... I'm too much of a planner to wait for it to be a surprise :P
With baby on the way, I have been picking up some crafty slack. I've made a set of soft blocks, and will make some toy balls soon. I'm also doing some graphics work, making a set of silhouette alphabet prints to frame and hang in the baby's room. It's composed of all the geeky things we like (e.g., J is for Jean-luc Picard, C is for Companion Cube, T is for TARDIS). Photoshop is a cruel mistress, however, and it's taking me longer than I would like. I have a bone to pick with their color replacement tool.
I also used some bridal shower gift cards to raid the local Hancock Fabrics during their big clearance/New Year's sale. I got supplies for making several slings, a nursing pillow, and a diaper bag, along with bits and bobs for some more baby toys. Now I just need the hubs to help me get my sewing machine cleaned and oiled. If only I had not lost the manual :P
Some of the fabric I found has ROBOTS on it!! So a robot diaper bag is hopefully going to happen. I think we will be going with a robot theme for the nursery, too. I love robots! ^_^ Important caveat... I love robots just as long as they are the cute kind, and not the I'll destroy the human race and rule the world kind. I also got a Cricuit (thanks to my friend/ex-SIL who was nice enough to sell me her old one!) and the robot cartridge for that, so I imagine I will be using that to make some fun wall art, too :) Another friend informed me that Target has ROBOT stuff in their dollar spot right now... I'm going to have to check that out!
So, there you have it, my attempt at an update. I'd like to say I'm making it a New Year's resolution to blog more, but I know for a fact that won't actually make me blog anymore. Here's hoping, though!